Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Shower: Men vs Women

I posted the course recommended shower video on Facebook, eager to see what some of my friends had to say.

I received a few responses back from seven males and one female. Here are a few responses:

"I love how frantic she gets!"
"Haha it's least on the man side."
"Wow, the mohawk! It really happens!"
"Mairin, as a mass media professional, do you think the creators of this film purposely chose the screenshot of a nearly nude large breasted woman as the thumbnail of their video to increase views?"
"Can't forget to leave your 'coarse butt hair' on the soap and then pee. Man Law."

The female wrote, "LOL."

I enjoyed this video because it's funny and for the most part it's true. Women use beauty products like fancy facewash and shampoo for various reasons. Personally, I am attracted to a product that promises smooth skin and less blemishes, and has hight consumer ratings. If I receive positive results I will use it again and praise its powers to others. I'll admit that I have been caught in the mad web of consumer product production and advertising.

Women are expected to smell pretty, look pretty, have clear skin, have smooth legs and shiny hair. In order to live up to these expectations that society and media have created, we use beauty products day and night. In the shower, after the shower, getting dressed, during the day, after work and before bed. Just think how much money we spend on those items?

Men on the other hand are supposed to smell fairly good most of the time. Their hygiene is not deemed as important as women's hygiene. Men are usually excused for their lack of cleanliness and conservativeness regarding bodily functions. Haven't you heard, "women don't sweat, they glow" or "women don't poop." However, men have hour long conversations about their duties in the restroom. It's socially acceptable for a man to be in a public setting that is hot in temperature with underarm sweat marks and slight body odor; yet a woman in the same situation would be frowned upon.

Women aren't supposed to age. In our society, women don't look as pretty when they age. Men are more attractive as they grow older. Those crows feet wrinkles are sexy. Women's eye wrinkles should be shot with Botox. Men look handsome with specs of gray in their hair. Women, don't show those roots. Go die the gray out, at least until you reach an age where it's acceptable to have gray hair. As seen in the comment above, there is this idea of a "Man Law" that is understood by both sexes.

Ok, women aren't the only ones harped on by societal expectations. Men are supposed to have six-pack stomach's and defined arms. Men are supposed to be tall and strong. It goes both ways. We are not happy with what we have, so we use products to try and get close to that image we want for ourselves and what others expect to see.

And yes, I do think the still image of the woman grabbing her breasts was chosen to catch the attention of viewers.

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